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How to Speak English with Confidence in 9 Easy Steps

Even if you have been studying English for a long time, you may still get the jitters when speaking it. Chances are, you’re not getting enough practice because you’re afraid of making mistakes.
However, you don’t have to worry because everybody makes mistakes! If you want to work on your English speaking and personality development, you have to be confident about your capabilities. So, here are 9 easy steps to speak English with confidence:
  •         Read Out Loud
Choose a text with 100-200 words and read it out loud, either alone or in front of your teacher. As you read aloud, you will start noticing your fluency errors and you can slowly fix them. The more your fluency improves, the more confidence you will get to talk in front of people.
  •          Trust The Teacher
When you make mistakes, your teacher will point it out and fix it for you so you can learn and improve. They will work hard to ensure that you don’t make the same mistake twice. Always seek their help wherever or whenever you require it.
  •          Work In Small Groups
Most people get extremely nervous when talking to large audiences, so try speaking in smaller groups to improve your confidence. Share miscommunication stories or mistakes with your group mates, and when you laugh along with them you will also start feeling less scared. You will see that you’re not alone in making such mistakes.
  •          Befriend People Who Speak English
Find expats in your city who are looking to find friends and connect with them. Since they can only speak in English, you will be forced to not fall back on your native language.
  •          Join Groups Chats Online
Finding groups online that help native and non-native speakers to connect is another excellent method to gain confidence in English speaking and personality development. You can seek their help and use apps like Google Hangout or Skype to converse with them.
  •          Join Forums And Groups That Converse In English
Joining an online forum or Facebook group implies that you can connect with native speakers. It also provides you with an opportunity to practice speaking English outside your classroom.
  •          Don’t Obsess
You may feel at times you’re getting nowhere, or feel pressured to learn how to speak in English faster. Don’t stress yourself, break your objective down into smaller goals. For instance, if the goal is to learn 100 words every month, you can focus on learning only 25 each week. It makes life easier since you would only be learning 5 words every day!
  •          Avoid Procrastination
Procrastination is unavoidable but if you schedule your study time, reward yourself on your progress and involve someone into your process, you can avoid procrastinating easily.
  •          Remember The Reasons Why You Wanted To Learn English
It is acceptable to feel frustration when you don’t see progress as quickly as you expected. During such moments, recall why you started working on your English speaking and personality development in the first place, whether it is to going abroad for college or your career.


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